Thursday, March 21, 2013

stencil project

My stencil did not turn out very good at first. The first time I started, I accidentally got the wrong type of paint and color and it got all wrinkly and dark in only some area of the final part. I had restarted because I was not happy with how it was staring to turn out. My second and last time I made turned out better. I used all of the right colors and everything. But then when I was done I thought that it would look better if I fixed one part on the stencil. I knew that that was a bad idea because it made part of the eyes all wrinkly too and colors overlapped. I learned that you should not always want more and more because that could lead to something that was worse than what you started with.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Contour Line Shoe

My drawings improved with contour lines because now I was able to draw more of the texture. At first I thought that it would be difficult because we  couldn't lift up the pencil, but it actually wasn't that bad. Also I think that drawing without lifting your pencil up helps with poportion because you are not drawing at different times and with different sizes each. One of the hardest parts to draw on the shoe was the stitching lines because those are basically dotted. Instead, I just drew darker and then ligther on the stitches tso hat it almost looked dotted. I think that the shape of my shoe was not the best but I did a good job of making the shoe look more 3D and using contour lines.